Update Time!

Friends! Wowie haha it’s been a while. I’m gonna backtrack a lil bit here so let’s pretend it’s about a month ago. First of all, I wrote this a while ago when we were still in the Bahamas and never got around to posting so here goes.

I’ve seen a lot of beautiful places in my lifetime. I’ve hiked Grand Canyon and the Tetons, I’ve been to the boundary waters multiple times, I’ve visited pink sand beaches, but none of this comes even close to what we saw yesterday (yesterday being a long time ago). Yesterday I went to not only the most beautiful beach but most beautiful place so far in my 14 years of life. I don’t think words will do much at all but I’ll do my best. First of all, this special spot is located in the Exumas Land and Sea Park on Shroud Cay. The park is very similar to a National Park for the islands. You are allowed to take nothing but photos and amazing memories. The way into this beach is a dinghy ride through the mangroves. No vessel over three knots is allowed which makes for a quiet and peaceful ride. We saw a sea turtle and lots of little fish on the way in which made the trip there exciting. Towards the end of the dinghy ride, I was sitting on the very front of the dinghy, the tide was down so I was trying to help pilot Dad through the sand and rocks. Now this is where the magic happened. I was at the very front, motor is down low as not to disturb the sand or ruin the bottom of our dinghy, we make a slow, big, wide, turn, and bam. At least 50 shades of the blue Atlantic and the whitest sand I’ve ever seen. It was incredible. The water was surprisingly warm and the sand was softer than I thought possible. We spent a good chunk of our day in paradise. As I write this we are headed for a different island also protected by the park. Got some pretty big shoes to fill. Haha I don’t know if anything will ever compare to that experience but I’m excited to see what comes next.

The next spot we visited was also amazing. This doesn’t mean much because all in all the Bahamas were extremely peaceful and gorgeous. The video I posted was from that next spot. It was the first time in a while we got to go hiking so we spent a day finding our way around the island. Great fun. We visited a few more special places but I think everyone has done a great job keeping that updated. I know that Dad has a few longish ones coming. So moving on to Georgetown!

Georgetown was kid paradise. I met first fourteen year old we’ve seen since October! It was a blast, the beach was spectacular, and a definite community was present. We made lots of friends and loved meeting them at the beach every afternoon at two. Campfires, swings, sea shanties, and friends. What more could one ask for? So so much fun.

As most all of you know, we are happy in the Dominican Republic. The mountains are absolutely gorgeous and the new culture is beautiful. I’m sure we will have more on this as we continue to explore this country.


Heidi 🌴☀️❤️

One Reply to “Update Time!”

  1. Beautiful post Heidi, and so happy to hear from you!!! Sounds like you are having a spectacular time. Enjoy every adventure. Miss you all TONS💕💞💗💋

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