Our First Passage

Hi this is Sally! I am going to tell you about the last two CRAZY days of our very first passage from Mobile to Clearwater. When I say CRAZY, I mean over 25 knot winds, pounding waves one after another, CRAZY. Normally, I don’t get seasick but when you’re trying to sleep and you keep slamming down with the waves it gets really tricky to fall asleep. So after a beautiful day sailing, our first night on passage I was still up at 5 am! Two hours of sleep and a stomachache…

The second day on passage was wavy. I took an hour long nap, ate dinner and cake, and the waves calmed down. Now the interesting and crazy part is:  I get in bed but since I took a nap I’m just not that tired. Then, here comes a big 65 lb Willie jumping on me since I was in my mom’s and dad’s (and Willie’s) room ‘cause the motor was on in my room. BANG, at 10 pm the big waves start coming again. Now my whole room is slamming into the water again, GREAT!  This makes it 10x harder to fall asleep because EVERY SINGLE TIME the boat moves, Willie sticks his head up and whimpers.  That is impossible to ignore and I find myself comforting the dog. 11 pm still trying to fall asleep. Ok I’m asleep now.

The third day on passage, I wake up at the sound of rain. I find a HUGE wet spot under the window right where I’m sleeping. I close the window right away.  Down the hall ahead of me, I also see there’s a leak in the window so water is pouring down. No not the usual rain, waves coming over the boat. I’m about to puke at this point from all the bumps.  Uh oh, I see a bin in the TOILET which the top had somehow managed to come off and stuff was everywhere.  So, a toenail clipper is floating in the toilet and on top of that I can’t get gloves (theres a possibility that tools can crush me from the cabinet that the gloves are in!). First things first… waves are pouring on me so I get a bucket for the leak “Theres a leak in the boat!” I yell. Luckily, the bucket solves the problem for now.  Back to the toenail clippers… before I grab them I tell Lucy “ get the hand sanitizer ready!” Total GROSSNESS. I already am very seasick so I head outside (that normally makes me feel better).  Next thing I know, I’m fast asleep. I wake up. Go back to sleep. I can’t believe my watch— it’s already 12pm! I read I little then Heidi, Lucy, and I watch Just Add Magic. We’re all still getting used to passages…

Bye for now,
