
Hi everyone reading this,

This is Lucy! To start off I am going to explain how all is now. It honestly seems like we have been living on our boat forever and we havenever been anywhere else. IWe hve finally got everything down-school, anchoring, docking, etc for the most part! It is really hard to believe that when I am writing this we are rigth here in Tennessee! TENNESSEE! It seems that we are just going from place to place so fast. Well, if you think about it though, we are going EXTREMELY slow compared to a car! So lets do some math-if you haven’t had enough after this I can always hook you up! It seems tht we alway have a math problem to solve on the boat! Back to topic……..

the average a car goes is about 60 mph, right

well here we are going 6-7 mph!

So if you do that math you can find that we actually go about 10x slower in a boat then a car!! Now going in cars seem unsafe-WAY TO FAST!!!!!!!!!!

But it is still hard for me to take in that we are going to another place everyday and we will be in Florida in about 2 weeks. The traveling part is so cool- even though it is cold. Taking about cold…….


So in a house you normally just check the weather each day or for the week to decide small choices. “Will I wear shorts or pants today?” “Capris maybe” or bigger things like, “Will softball be canceled?” “Can I walk or bike to school today?”

Well if you every decided to move on a boat, first off your parents have to quit their jobs then you can make bigger descions abou the weather!!! Also you can stand outside and steer in the rain- what Dad has bravely been doing! I probally should sound more convincing…If you stop at marina’s we can plug in our heater and have wifi!!! Just kidding! We all are excited to get some warmweather soon!

Imagine this, you are sitting down in your hammock at the end of  a hard day of either school or work. The sun glistens down on the trees and makes them glow an orangey, rustic color. You gently swing back and forth the wind softly against you. You read a book, or write a blog post, or write in your journal or whatever you want!

Those parts of the day are my favorite, they are priceless.

I decided to end my post with a quote


One Reply to “Hi”

  1. Hi Goose! I love that beautiful orange hammock picture you painted with words. Love you, one and only!

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