Boat news

Hi guys this is Sally we have been on the boat for around 3 months now. It has been a busy summer so far. We have been traveling a lot but now we’re mostly settled.

Heidi,Lucy, and I have been doing sailing lessons and so far

I’ve  capsized 4 times ( all on an opti) I went on a 420 the last couple of days ( turns out I’m not so great with the spinnaker) and my steering on a 420 isn’t great but it was super fun!!!!!! Besides practice makes perfect right!! Now sailing is over 😥. But no more waking up at 7:30😀😀!!!!!!!!!!!! Now the summer is turning into pool,beach,  homeschooling,and sailing!!!!!                It’s a little hard not  see friends as much but we visit often!


Bye for now

💕 Sally💕


Living on the boat

Hi Guys, this is Sally I just ended 4th grade and it is now summer! It has been very complicated moving onto our boat! Our boat is much smaller than our house so we have to squeeze stuff in! It is very crowded and everything takes more time! Can’t wait to share our adventure with you!

– Sally

Boat News

Hi guys! This is Sally, the youngest kid, on the boat. I am super excited to go on a boat but sad to leave my friends. I know that I will learn new things, speak in different languages, learn how to sail, and make new friends!

Can’t wait to share with you our amazing adventure!
